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‘Afia Schwarzenegger have been hating on Akuapem Poloo after she became friends with Cardi B’- Nana Tornado


The popular Ghanaian actor, Nana Tornado has revealed in a fresh video why Afia Schwarzenegger hates on Akuapem Poloo very much to the core.

In a bid to throw his own dice onto the confused ludo Poloo and Afia Schwar are playing in the wake of the leakage of the former’s alleged sex tape, Tornado revealed that, Afia Schwar detests Poloo because she found favour in the eyes of Cardi B when she came to Ghana during her infamous concert, the Livespot X Festival in 2019.

In a lengthy video, Tornado revealed the evil machinations of Afia Schwar and why she’s ready to ruin Akuapem Poloo since Cardi B made her ‘twinnie’ after she waited patiently for her in the famous Meet and Greet session with Cardi B right after her concert.

Watch the video below:

NaaNa Blu officially releases her album cover and track list of her maiden EP “This Is Highlife”


NaaNa Blu has shared the tracklist and official cover for her new EP, titled “This Is Highlife”. The Ghanaian singer and songwriter’s maiden EP is set to be released on Wednesday, September 30th and has 5 songs on it.

Quophimens Musiq is the executive-producer of “This Is Highlife”.

It was mostly recorded in Accra during the lockdown. NaaNa Blu describes the EP as “a way to honor the childhood memory but most importantly it is to honor the forebears of Highlife music in Ghana. The EP is also to rekindle the genre and have people of my age enjoy the beautiful sounds and storylines often associated with highlife.”


  1. Ohia
  2. Odo Asem
  3. You dey do Yourself
  4. This Is Highlife
  5. Highlife Dance

NaaNa Blu recently released a birthday song in honor of Nana Kwamina Dekye of the Shama Traditional Area. The song caught on and fans requested the song be made public so they could have a feel of it and share with their loved ones on their birthdays as well.

Listen to her “Happy Birthday” song and drop your comments below:

Akua Blakofe pleads for forgiveness for campaigning for Nana Akufo-Addo


A former Deputy Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Ghana Tourism Development Company, (GTDC), Ms Akua Djanie, has pleaded with Ghanaians to forgive her for influencing them to vote for then-candidate Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo in the 2016 presidential elections.

Ms Akua Djanie, known popularly as Akua Blakofe, was appointed Deputy CEO of GTDC when President Akufo-Addo assumed the reins of power in 2017. She later resigned as Deputy CEO after she fell out with the CEO of the government-owned company.

Four years afterwards, she has expressed her regrets ever campaigning for President Akufo-Addo and, is asking for forgiveness.

She revealed that, she was under the wrong impression that Nana Akufo-Addo was going to be better than former President Mahama, but has regretted that, the Akufo-Addo has turned out to not be better than that of former President Mahama.

“This time 4 years ago, I was about to make the biggest mistake of my life. Although I knew and liked Mahama and had encouraged Ghanaians to vote for him, I was frustrated with his government and life in the Asylum.

My ex thus challenged me to campaign for Nana because “if Nana can’t make Ghana work, nobody can. I’ll lay down my head for him. Nana is like you, no nonsense. He hates corruption. Imagine if you are President how things would be. That is Nana”. So although I wasn’t convinced, I allowed myself to be pushed into campaigning. The rest is history. We all make mistakes. All I can do now is to forgive myself and ask those who voted Nana because of me to also forgive me. As for that ex, I’m yet to forgive him, had it not been for him, I would never have campaigned for Nana. Lol. That’s the absolute truth.

Meanwhile, the word from my street hustlers is, they are not voting because I’m not. Sweet. Moral of the story? Follow your gut because everything I told my ex is happening, big time corruption and nepotism. I was right and should never have listened to my ex. Ah well,” she posted on Facebook.
Ms Djanie has become a fierce critic of the current government for its alleged corruption and nepotism among other misdeeds.

SHS and JHS students to return to school [more details]


The Government of Ghana has announced the reopening of schools for Senior High Schools (SHS) continuing students who were not able to complete their academic year to finish.

President Nana Akufo-Addo announced this while addressing the nation for the 16th time on measures his administration has put in place to fight the global pandemic.

According to him, SHS 2 and Junior High School (SHS) 2 students will return to school from October 5 to December 14, 2020 to complete their academic year.

Addressing the question of the re-opening of our schools, the president stated that his government in consultation with the Ghana Education Service and all relevant stakeholders have arrived at the decision to let form 2 SHS and JHS students return to school to complete their academic year”.

“With Junior High Schools operating with class sizes of thirty (30), and Senior High Schools with class sizes of twenty-five (25), SHS 2 and JHS 2 students will be in school for ten (10) weeks to study, and write their end of term examinations.

He also hinted on the various arrangements being made as far as the COVID-19 safety protocols are concerned.

“SHS 2 students in boarding houses are to return to their various dormitories on 5 October, whilst day students, respecting fully the COVID-19 protocols, will commute from home to their respective schools on the same date.”

“Prior to reopening, all Junior and Senior High Schools will be fumigated and disinfected. Just as was done in the case of final year university, JHS and SHS students, all JHS 2 and SHS 2 students, as well as all teaching and non – teaching staff, will be given reusable face masks. Each School will be provided with Veronica Buckets, gallons of liquid soap, rolls or tissue paper, thermometer guns, and 200 mils containers of sanitizers. JHS 2 students will be given one hot meal a day.”

Ghana: Air borders reopens from Tuesday, September 1


President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, has announced the reopening of Ghana’s air borders. This decision according to him, will commence Tuesday, September 1, 2020.

He made this known during his 16th address to the nation on the measure taken by the government to curb the spread of the COVID-19 outbreak in the country.

“I am glad to announce that the Kotoka International Airport will resume operations on Tuesday, September 1, 2020. This has been communicated to all international airlines,” he said.

President Akufo-Addo disclosed that every passenger who arrives in the country must possess proof of a negative PCR test from his/her country of origin and must be ready to take a 30minutes test at KIA before taking the next line of action.

“We have communicated all these measure to international airlines who are ready to resume operations to and from the country” he added

The president through the same means announced that the country’s land and sea borders remain closed until further notice.

Full Text: Akufo-Addo’s 16th address to the nation on measure to stop the spread of COVID-19 pandemic


Fellow Ghanaians, good evening.

I thank you for welcoming me into your homes for the sixteenth (16th) time, as the fight to defeat COVID-19 continues not only in Ghana, but across the World.

Day-in-day-out, countries, including our own, institute measures to try to limit and contain the spread of the virus, and return lives to normalcy.

Some of these measures have been successful, others have not worked, with some countries now experiencing hikes in infection rates, and the emergence of what is referred to as a ‘second wave of the virus.

With the effectiveness of Government policies, the co-operation of you, the Ghanaian people, and by the grace of God, our nation has been relatively spared such unwelcome developments.

Indeed, since 31 May, when government decided to embark on a strategic, controlled, progressive, and safe easing of restrictions in the country, so as to get our lives and economy back to normal in safety, we have continued to witness low hospitalization and low death rates.

The number of active cases continues to be on the decline. At the time of my last address, two weeks ago, the total number of active cases, that is persons currently with the virus, stood at one thousand, eight hundred and
forty-seven (1,847) persons.

As at Friday, 28 August, the number of active cases has reduced to one thousand, and fifty-nine (1,059) persons. A total of forty-two thousand, nine hundred and sixty – three (42,963) persons have recovered, and two hundred and seventy-Six (276) persons, a great majorty of them with underlying illnesses, such as hypertension, diabetes and chronic liver disease, have sadly died.

In as much as these statistics are encouraging, in contrast to what is pertaining in several countries across the world, we cannot afford to let our guard down. We have to maintain, in a state of constant readiness, the enhanced infrastructure and expertise we have built during the period of the virus to cope with it.

I have been reliably informed that, in some regions of our country where there are no active cases, some residents are abandoning, altogether, the protocols, such as the wearing of masks, put in place to defeat the virus.

Indeed, the high compliance rate with mask wearing of persons surveyed by the Ghana Health Service in some selected areas of Accra, to which I referred optimistically in my last address, has, according to a new survey by the same Service, fallen alarmingly.

This is not acceptable, as the enhanced hygiene, mask wearing and social distancing protocols must now be central features of our Iives, and they must continue to remain so for some time to come, until we see to the elimination of the virus from our country.

Let me remind those amongst us, who want to continue to disregard these protocols, that severe sanctions exist in our laws for such persons, who will want to endanger the rest of the population through their actions and negligence. The law enforcement agencies will, where necessary, apply these measures without fear or favour, ill-will or malice, and without recourse to a person’s ethnicity, gender or religion.

Fellow Ghanaians, in Update No.15, I announced the easing of restrictions in some areas of national life. I also indicated my hope that preparations and simulation exercises underway, including the installation of COVID-19 testing facilities at Kotoka International Airport, would give us a clear indication as to whether or not we could re-open the airport on 1st September. After weeks of thorough work, I am satisfied that it is safe to do so.

Fellow Ghanaians, I am glad to announce that Kotoka International Airport will reopen and resume operations from Tuesday, 1st September 2020. This decision has been communicated to international airlines across the world.

It has been well-established that the very first cases of COVID-19 in Ghana were imported into our shores. We are determined to make sure this scenario does not recur. The commitment to ensuring that the gradual easing of restrictions, including the reopening of our airports, does not lead to the importation or resurgence of the virus into our country, is firmly in place. That is why the following measures have been taken and duly communicated to airlines wishing to resume flights to Ghana:

  1. Any passenger arriving in Ghana must be in possession of a negative COVID-19 PCR test result from an accredited laboratory in the country of origin. The test should have been done not more than seventy-two (72) hours before the scheduled departure from the country of origin. All airlines have been instructed to ensure compliance with this directive for all passengers wishing to travel to Ghana, and those airlines who fail in this regard will be duly sanctioned;
  2. disembarking passengers must do so wearing face masks;
  3. upon disembarking from the aeroplane, each passenger will undergo a mandatory COVID-19 test at the airport terminal, at a fee to be borne by the passenger. The test result will be available within thirty (30) minutes;
  4. children under the ages of five (5) will not be required to undergo testing at the airport
  5. passengers, who test positive for COVID-19, will be handled by the health authorities for further clinical assessment and management;
  6. passengers, who test negative, can, thereupon, enter Ghana to go about their lawful activities, and will be advised to continue to observe COVID-19 safety precautions during their stay in Ghana.

The Ministries of Information, Health and Aviation, and their respective agencies- the Ghana Health Service, the Ghana Airports Co. Ltd., and the Ghana Civil Aviation Authority – will spell out in further detail the protocols surrounding the re-opening of our international airport, and the procedures to be adhered to by passengers arriving in Ghana at the COVID-19 media briefing tomorrow, Monday, 31″ August.

For the avoidance of doubt, our borders, by land and sea, will continue to remain closed to human traffic until further notice.

Fellow Ghanaians, I will now address the question of the re-opening of our schools. With continuing students in the University of Cape Coast, the University of Health and Allied sciences, Technical Universities, and some other Colleges returning to school almost a week ago, to finish the academic year, the decision has been taken by the Ghana Education Service after consultation with the relevant stakeholders, for SHS 2 and JHS 2 students to return to school from 5 October to 14th December 2020 to complete their academic year.

With Junior High Schools operating with class sizes of thirty (30), and Senior High Schools with class sizes of twenty-five (25), SHS 2 and JHS 2 students will be in school for ten (10) weeks to study, and write their end of term examinations. SHS 2 students in boarding houses are to return to their various dormitories on 5 October, whilst day students, respecting fully the COVID-19 protocols, will commute from home to their respective schools on the same date.

Prior to reopening, all Junior and Senior High Schools will be fumigated and disinfected. Just as was done in the case of final year university, JHS and SHS students, all JHS 2 and SHS 2 students, as well as all teaching and non – teaching staff, will be given reusable face masks. Each School will be provided with Veronica Buckets, gallons of liquid soap, rolls or tissue paper, thermometer guns, and 200 mils containers of sanitizers. JHS 2 students will be given one hot meal a day.

Assemblies and sporting events remain banned; and the use by outsiders or school premises for other activities is still not allowed. We will continue to ensure that each school, which does not have its own sick bay, has been mapped to a health facility, and care is provided to the sick by nurses assigned to them.

The Ghana Education Service, after further consultations, has decided to postpone the remainder of the academic year for all nursery, kindergarten, primary, JHS 1 and SHS 1 students. The next academic year will resume in January 2021, with appropriate adjustments made to the curriculum, to ensure that nothing is lost from the previous year. The relevant dispositions will also be made so that the presence, at the same time, in school of all streams of students, can occur in safety.

I appreciate fully the inconvenience and the financial burden the continued stay at home of children are posing to parents and guardians. Fellow Ghanaians, these are a necessary price to pay in our efforts to protect the lives of our children, as well as to limit and contain the spread of the virus in our country.

In the next couple of weeks, a decision will also be taken on the resumption of contact sports, including football, taking into consideration the imminent participation of our national teams in international competitions. As a known lover of football, I know how devastating its absence has been, and it is my hope that very soon we will all have the pleasure of playing and watching the beautiful game again.

Until then, non-contact sports are the only sporting events permitted to take place. Beaches, pubs, cinemas and nightclubs are still to remain closed until further notice. All other institutions that have been cleared to function are to continue to do so in strict adherence to the COVID-19 protocols.

Fellow Ghanaians, the difficulties imposed on our everyday lives, and the impact COVID-19 has had on our livelihoods, must serve as sufficient motivation for us all to continue to adhere to the enhanced hygiene, mask wearing and social distancing protocols that must characterize our daily routines in this country.

The more we adhere, the sooner we defeat the virus, and return to our normal way of Iife. I am confident that this can be soon. This challenge is not insurmountable. We can do it. We have it in us to surmount any challenge if we put our hearts and minds to it. Whilst at it, let us continue to pray to Almighty God to keep a benevolent eye on us, and keep us from harm.

This too shall pass! For the Battle is the Lords.

No Trust Releases New Song ‘Give N Take’, Produced By Dr Ray Beat (Download )


Prolific Ghanaian uprising rapper No Trust, signed signed under new American record label NMS Records, formally known as North Maple Studios, managed by CEO Shareef Cleveland and Andre Morse, has finally released his most anticipated new song under the management of his new Label, titled ‘Give N Take’.

The song was recorded and produced by the legendary Music Engineer in Ghana Dr Ray Beat, with lot of great hit songs to his credit.

Read Also: TeePhlow Reveals his New Record Label after Parting Ways with Spyderlee Entertainment (video)

No Trust new song comes with a very deep Rap punches, great content and his amazing flow will let you fall inlove with him, after listening to the song.

Download the song below:

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Kwabsmah Releases Official Music Video titled ‘Sweet Talk’ featuring Joey B ( Watch Video Now)


Ghanaian renowned musician Darryl Paa Kwasi Bannerman- Martin, better known as Joey B, celebrated his birthday few days ago, and afterwards, he decided to bless a new artiste known as Kwabsmah, with the song titled Sweet Talk.

READ ALSO: Dr Paa Kwasi Reveals More Mysteries Behind Days of the Week Born & their Hidden Characters (video)

Kwabena Asiamah (Born June 30 1998), known by his stage name Kwabsmah is an uprising Ghanaian musician-singer and performer, who aspires for greater hight in the music industry.

He was born in Accra-Ghana where he had both his basic and senior high school education. He just completed Radford University.

His musical career started after graduating from high school – known amongst his peers for his wretched soul stirring voice, he easily composes his music with his immediate happenings.

Kwabsmah has been spotted on a number of platforms, performing along side with some of the biggest names in the Ghanaian industry. – he was last seen on the Tidal Rave stage – the Crusade -Jameson Concert and others.

READ ALSO: Highly Spiritual Music issues a press statement on copyright claim over Drew’s song

The singer can be found on all social media twitter, instagram, youtube as @kwabsmah.

Joey B after listening to this great artiste projects, decided to bless him with a new song. 

Check out their Collaboration video below:

My God will never put me to shame – Tracey Boakye replies Kennedy Agyapong


Tracey Boakye has again responded to Hon. Kennedy Agyapong and rebuffed his claim that, she has bewitch herself by blackmailing John Dramani Mahama.

Kennedy in an interview said that, Tracey Boakye would end up going broke and would sell her mansions.

The lawmaker made these statements in the wake of rumours about Tracey blackmailing Mahama with nude pictures and videos which Kennedy Agyapong confirmed in an interview with the media.

According to the Member of Parliament, Tracey has shot herself in the foot and the NDC would never forgive her for defaming its Presidential Candidate.

However, Tracey Boakye, on Facebook Live, has dared the firebrand to bring out all the evidence he claimed he has to bring her down.

“Kennedy Agyapong you are not God. I will never go broke and sell my houses. Back to the sender. I am young and I have lived life forward because I serve a big God”, Tracey said.

She claimed that, this was a tactic by Kennedy to push his own personal agenda in campaigning for the NPP.

She dared the politician to release his evidence on her as he does with his victims and bring an end to her like he threatened to.

“I heard you in an interview when you said that, you won’t speak about the issue anymore. You realized you had your facts wrong all along. I dare you to bring the evidence out. This time you have bitten more than you can chew”, Tracey teased.


Moesha Boduong and I are no longer friends – Salma Mumin reveals


The Ghanaian actress, Salma Mumin has said Moesha Boduong is no more her friend.
Many people thought they have settled their differences after their beef over ‘artificial butts’ but it has emerged they still have scores to settle.

Speaking in an interview, Salma explained, she doesn’t want to associate herself with Moesha because of a post she made which was subsequently published by an entertainment news portal.

According to her, Moesha’s allegation that, she has enhanced her butt and probably took inspiration from her after she and her cohorts laughed at her did not sit well with her.

She recounted how Moesha clarified Sandra Ankoboiah’s name from a supposed shade that was targeted at them over butt surgery, but she refused to clarify her name which meant she was the subject in that post.

Not happy about her post, Salma thought it wise to unfollow Moesha Boduong on social media just to save her from troubles.

Salma Mumin revealed all these happened after they met at an event and had a good time.

She added that, she will extend pleasantries with her when they meet but she won’t follow her on social media to see such stuff she won’t be happy to see.

Watch the full interview below